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可视化HTML编辑器-TinyMCE 4.0.3 发布

时间:2013-08-09 09:51作者:qazwsxzxc人气:247

TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,支持目前流行的各种浏览器,由JavaScript写成。功能配置灵活简单(两行代码就可以将编辑器嵌入网页中),支持AJAX。另一特点是加载速度非常快,如果你的服务器采用的脚本语言是 PHP,那还可以进一步优化。最重要的是,TinyMCE是一个根据LGPL license发布的自由软件,你可以把它用于商业应用。

TinyMCE 4.0.3 修复了内联编辑的一些 bug ,包括一些 IE 上的重要 bug 修复;重新引入作为纯文本粘贴的按钮,其他改进记录包括:

Added new code_dialog_width/code_dialog_height options to control code dialog size.

Added missing pastetext button that works the same way as the pastetext menu item.

Added missing smaller browse button for the classical smaller toolbars.

Fixed bug where input method would produce new lines when inserting contents to an empty editor.

Fixed bug where pasting single indented list items from Word would cause a JS exception.

Fixed bug where applying block formats inside list elements in inline mode would apply them to whole document.

Fixed bug where link editing in inline mode would cause exception on IE/WebKit.

Fixed bug where IE 10 wouldn't render the last button group properly in inline mode due to wrapping.

Fixed bug where localStorage initialization would fail on Firefox/Chrome with disabled support.

Fixed bug where image elements would get an __mce id when undo/redo:ing to a level with image changes.

Fixed bug where too long template names wouldn't fit the listbox in template plugin.

Fixed bug where alignment format options would be marked disabled when forced_root_block was set to false.

Fixed bug where UI listboxes such as fontsize, fontfamily wouldn't update properly when switching editors in inline mode.

Fixed bug where the formats select box would mark the editable container DIV as a applied format in inline mode.

Fixed bug where IE 7/8 would scroll to empty editors when initialized.

Fixed bug where IE 7/8 wouldn't display previews of format options.

Fixed bug where UI states wasn't properly updated after code was changed in the code dialog.

Fixed bug with setting contents in IE would select all contents within the editor.

Fixed so the undoManages transact function disables any other undo levels from being added while within the transaction.

Fixed so sub/sup elements gets removed when the Clear formatting action is executed.

Fixed so text/javascript type value get removed by default from script elements to match the HTML5 spec.






